Living Room Venetian Blinds

On average, the North East of England receives around 700 to 900 millimetres (27 to 35 inches) of rainfall per year. This makes it one of the wetter regions in the United Kingdom, but it is not as rainy as some areas in the western parts of the country, such as Wales or the Lake District.

Indoor blinds can provide several benefits during rainy weather, especially for homes or buildings with windows. Here's how indoor blinds can help in the rain:

  1. Rainwater protection: Indoor blinds act as a barrier between the rain and the interior of your home. When properly closed, blinds prevent rainwater from splashing onto windows and seeping inside, helping to keep your living spaces dry and free from water damage.
  2. Moisture control: Rainy weather can sometimes increase the humidity levels inside your home. By closing the blinds, you can create a barrier that reduces the amount of moisture entering your living spaces, helping to maintain a more comfortable and balanced indoor environment.
  3. Protecting furniture and belongings: Closing indoor blinds during rainstorms can protect your furniture, electronics, and other valuable items from potential water damage. This is especially important for windows close to furniture or delicate decor that could be negatively affected by moisture.
  4. Reducing window condensation: During rain and cooler temperatures, windows can become colder than the indoor air, leading to condensation. Closing blinds can help to minimize this effect by creating an extra layer of insulation and reducing the temperature difference between the window surface and the indoor air.
  5. Privacy: Rainy weather often means reduced visibility outside due to water on windows and low light conditions. Closing the blinds can provide an added layer of privacy, making it more difficult for people outside to see into your home.
  6. UV protection: Some indoor blinds are designed to block harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Even on rainy days, UV rays can penetrate clouds and reach your windows. Closing the blinds can offer additional protection against these rays, preventing potential damage to your skin and indoor furnishings.

Our free home consultations are an opportunity for you to talk to one of our expert team members about the space you have on offer, your requirements and also any concerns you might have. This is also an excellent opportunity to discuss decor, colour schemes and pattern styles. Our team will come armed with samples and style guides to ensure you get a full insight into what is available to you.

Our team do not work on commission so you will be put under no pressure to buy.  We will simply give you a quotation on the day (valid for 30 days) and leave you time to think it over and discuss it with your family.


Book a FREE, no-obligation home consultation here