window blinds

  1. Come Rain (or Shine) Window Coverings

    Living Room Venetian Blinds

    On average, the North East of England receives around 700 to 900 millimetres (27 to 35 inches) of rainfall per year. This makes it one of the wetter regions in the United Kingdom, but it is not as rainy as some areas in the western parts of the country, such as Wales or the Lake District.

    Indoor blinds can provide several benefits during rainy weather, especially for homes or buildings with windows. Here's how indoor blinds can help in the rain:

    1. Rainwater protection: Indoor blinds act as a barrier between the rain and the interior of your home. When properly closed, blinds prevent rainwater from splashing onto windows and seeping inside, helping to keep your living spaces dry and free from water damage.
    2. Moisture control:
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  2. Why Book a FREE Home Consultation?

    Free Measuring No Obligation Home Consultations

    To ensure you find the perfect blinds for your needs, we highly recommend taking advantage of our dedicated in-home service at A1 Blinds. Our experts will visit your home at your convenience, providing an ideal opportunity to explore a wide range of blinds, curtains, and shutters. They will professionally measure your windows and offer personalised recommendations to perfectly match your interior decor. Let us bring our extensive selection to you, making the process of finding the ideal window treatments a breeze!

    During your consultation:

    At A1 Blinds, our mission is to simplify your life by offering inspiring ideas and practical solutions for your home or office. With our expertise, you can make your interior décor decisions with ease and relaxation. We are here to provide you with a stress-free and enjoyable experience - let us help you create a space that truly reflects your style and meets your functional

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  3. Motorised Blinds: Everything To Consider!

    Motorised Blinds For Your Home

    Are motorised blinds better than normal blinds? Do I REALLY need to remotely control my blinds? I'd love motorised blinds but can I really afford them?

    Do these questions sound familiar? Well, this guide has been designed to help you answer some of the burning questions about motorised blinds!

    How do they work?

    Motorised blinds can be opened and closed using an electrical unit that turns the bar that the blind is attached to. These motors are small but powerful pieces of equipment and use minimal power to operate, increasing their efficiency! Depending on your personal preferences or what is

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  4. Introducing Micro Blinds ... Your Bi-Fold Door Blind Solution!

    Micro Blinds Bi-Fold Doors

    Having bi-fold or patio doors offer a range of benefits to your home - but one thing that can be challenging is finding the right coverage when required. Here at A1 Blinds we have the perfect solution!

    If you have bi-fold doors or compact spaces where finding a blind to fit can be challenging, you may want to consider micro pleat blinds. Micro blinds are specifically designed to fit such spaces, ensuring you can enjoy the privacy and light control that blinds provide, without compromising style or function. With the right micro blinds, you can create the perfect look and feel for your space while ensuring safety, security and comfort. The pleated fabric offers a clean and streamlined look that can help open a room whether you're looking to create a more modern and contemporary feel or you simply want to make the most of your available space.


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  5. How Can Window Blinds Help You Save Money on Your Energy Bills?

    window blind energy bills

    As energy costs continue to rise, it's becoming more important than ever for homeowners to find innovative ways to save money on their household bills. One simple and effective way to reduce your energy bills is by installing window blinds. 

    The advantages of window blinds extend far beyond their visual appeal, covering aspects such as insulation, light control, UV protection, smart technology, and energy-saving features. By exploring these benefits, homeowners can make an informed decision and potentially achieve significant savings on their energy expenses.

    Here's how they work:

    1. Insulation

    During the colder winter months, window blinds act as an additional layer of insulation, preventing heat from

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